Welcome to ROMhack Heaven. This page details the site’s guidelines and assists new players or developers. Feel free to comment below the article if you still have any questions after reading the Q&A.
General Q&A
Q: Where do I make an account and login?
A: You can register here. You can then login or edit account details here. Account system is currently used for commenting only.
Q: Which gaming systems are supported on this site?
A: The full list of supported systems can be found here and it is open to expansion. More modern systems with major commercial support are not currently supported. For now, hacks for systems that released in 2004 and before are permitted, with certain exceptions allowed. Feel free to ask staff for more details, especially if one would like to apply for an exception. The General Inquiries Form can be found here.
Q: Are pre-patched ROMs provided here?
A: Pre-patched ROMs can be hosted here only if the original game was a freeware title. Users are encouraged to acquire ROMs through methods such as using ROM dumpers on their legal copies of games. Linking to piracy sites is not allowed.
Q: What is the process for hacks appearing on the site?
A: Hacks appearing on the site were either submitted manually by developers or they are noteworthy legacy hacks where contacting the original developer was an issue. The latter primarily applies to noteworthy early hacks such as the 1998 Final Fantasy V fan translation. This is not a successor to with a borrowed database, but an entirely new one.
Q: What sets this apart from
A: To prevent further link rot in the scene, files are hosted locally in ROMhack Heaven with a larger upload limit than RHDN had. Currently, it is capped at 600 MB. This is also a much more curated site, mainly featuring hacks such as translations and major QoL patches that could replace the vanilla game experience to most people.
Q: Which types of files are hosted here?
A: Translations, documents, homebrew games, gameplay tweaks, graphical tweaks, audio tweaks, utilities, total conversions, and script tweaks.
I Am A Hacker/Developer
Q: I want to submit a hack, document, or homebrew.
A: Please visit the File Submission Form and fill in all necessary information. As of now, the site is only accepting translation patches and major QoL patches to mirror.
Q: I want to update a hack, document, or homebrew which is already on the site.
A: Please visit the Page Update Form, include the page URL, and fill in only the fields which need to be updated. The process may take a few days depending on how full the queue is.
Q: I want to remove one of my files from the site.
A: Please visit the General Inquiries Form and submit your page or pages with the request and we will contact you with further details.
Q: What is the policy on screenshot submissions?
A: Native resolution + clean screenshot standards are encouraged, but not mandatory. Must be .png or .gif format. For more information on clean screenshots and native resolutions for each system, refer to this file.
I’m Here to Download Files
Q: Where can I find essential tools like emulators and patching programs?
A: Click here for essential tools. This includes easily downloadable recommended emulators, patching software, etc.
Q: I loaded a file I downloaded here into my emulator and it only provided a black screen. What happened?
A: Most likely, you only downloaded the patch file. You must combine it with your own ROM. We locally host a tool to help with this. If difficulty arises with zipped files, unzip the patch and ROM files. Click here to use the online patcher.
Q: How do I know if I’m using the right base ROM?
A: Click here for the online hasher.
Q: The hack still won’t work!
A: Feel free to comment on the issue in the hack page. If it’s not an issue of the emulator in use, a SNES game being patched without respecting the header condition, or a Genesis game being patched without the CheckSum being fixed we will investigate the matter.
Q: Why are some file creation dates imprecise?
A: There are known database issues with some files originally uploaded to other sites (especially for hacks which received updated versions) which makes tracking the exact creation date beyond the year difficult sometimes. All new hacks from the September of 2024 onward will have exact creation and update dates listed.
Q: Can I upload somebody else’s files?
A: If you have permission or it is a noteworthy classic hack where the creator was unavailable to contact, yes.
Site Updates
Q: How to keep up with new hacks?
A: Notably high-effort new hacks will be featured in the sidebar every week. This primarily applies to things like anticipated fan translations and total conversions. However, every single new translation, general hack, homebrew game, document, and utility will be featured from newest to oldest in the Recent Additions page.