Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Translation
- Game: Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
- Platform: SNES/SFC
- Original ROM: Tactics Ogre – Let Us Cling Together (J) (V1.2)
- Unheadered
- Author: Aeon Genesis
- Language: English
- Hack status: Fully playable (1.000b)
- Hack type: Translation
- Released: 2016
God, don’t talk to me about this. Every little task in this game was like pulling teeth. The simplest thing took hours, crashes kept popping up where there weren’t any before. It’s still not perfect, but it’s pretty damn good for what it is.
I do want to mention that this was originally a collaboration between Dark Force of DeJap translations, LordTech, and disnesquick. I honestly cannot say who did what; when the project was handed to me, the name entry screen was done and the font was replaced, but not much else. They’d dumped the Japanese script and rejigged the PS1 version’s script into a similar format (though I do remember helping them decipher that script’s storage format at the time.) I took that, inserted the English script, reprogrammed the game to accept it, rewired all of the interfaces and everything, ugh. More work (and trouble) than I was hoping for!
- Gideon Zhi for the hacking and leadership.
- LordTech, Dark Force, and Disnesquick for the original work.
- Database match: Tactics Ogre – Let Us Cling Together (J) (V1.2).smc
- CRC32: 12F0A699
- MD5: E60FEF5D311E06AB16A127F1C7718958
- SHA-1: 93E975F1E59004BA3DA5646C57A721E8FF34B3A0
- SHA-256: E5F123142D3239DA71BE8CEE1891F92B8074DEA8324186562C5FF3144FA76CD3