Super Robot Wars Gaiden: The Elemental Lords – Masoukishin Translation


This project’s history is long and fraught with trouble. The initial script translation turned out to be wrong more often than it was accurate; it was eventually decided that the entire script would need to be retranslated. Work on the script essentially re-started from scratch in late 2013 after TheMajinZenki graciously offered to doublecheck the older version of the translation. Though a variety of factors (lack of resources, split attention, and the like) contributed to a less-than-optimal velocity, the script was considered to be fully retranslated in April of 2017. Work on the technical pieces resumed at this time; additionally, at this point we passed it off to Caitlin, who worked closely with Zenki as an editor, to produce the script as it currently stands. She finished in October. Playtesting began in February and completed in mid May.

For all the problems it has had during its long development period, the final release is quite polished and should be issue-free. Have fun!


  • Gideon Zhi for the hacking and leadership.
  • TheMajinZenki for the translation.
  • Caitlin Newberry for the script editing and revision.
  • Optiroc for the music persistence patch + menu help.
  • FlashPV for the title screen logo.

  • CRC32: EBADC924
  • MD5: 680EE04AF6792C3891947B43B98EED46
  • SHA-2 (256): 8497BB74DF56BA1B37D178BF5EC4160131AF65FBBF4822D519C831393AA6C5B6

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