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Hack ideas and suggestions

Hi, everyone.


Here’s a few ideas I’ve had for possible romhacks that I wanted to share, maybe one day they might come to fruition.



Elemental Gearbolt, PS1 – Retranslation patch (for Japanese version)

The Japanese version could use a fan translation patch, as it’s easier than the US release, and it features an exclusive audio drama. FMVs could probably be hardsubbed (and redoing the script to revert any inaccuracies), but as for the audio drama, it might need softsubbing.


Front Mission, PS1 – Fan translation patch (for Japanese version)

This already has a few official English versions available, but it’d be cool if the PS1 version (which has the DS extra content) could be given a translation patch. The script from the remake could possibly be used as a base and ported over to this version. (developed by Forever Entertainment)


Front Mission 2, PS1 – Fan translation patch (for Japanese version)

The current English fan translation patch on PS1 is incomplete and has no FMV subtitles, while the remake (developed by Forever Entertainment) has a full English script. The script from the remake could possibly be used as a base and ported over to this version.


Dragon Force, Sega Saturn – Undub patch (for US version)

An undub patch for Dragon Force would be pretty nice for players looking for a more authentic experience, and go nicely with the fan translation of the Japanese-exclusive sequel, Dragon Force II.


Clock Tower 2, PS1 – Improved Audio Balancing (for US version)

This would aim to make the voices in FMVs and the overly quiet lines during real-time cutscenes, basically anything that’s noticeably faint compared to the music or the sound effects.


Eternal Eyes, PS1 – Japanese intro restoration (for US version)

There used to be a mod on theisozone that restored the original Japanese intro, but has since been lost to time. It’d be nice to see the original Japanese intro restored, and if possible, the Japanese menu art.


Guardian’s Crusade, PS1 – Japanese intro restoration (for US version)

The Western release of this cult classic PS1 RPG, brought over by Activision, changes the intro theme song and removes some collectable monsters, so it’d be nice to see that restored if possible. The intro might need some editing to include an English title card.


Lupin III: Treasure of the Sorcerer King, PS2 – Text port to JP version

The US version has an undub, but as the real-time cutscenes remove subtitles, it’s effectively useless. The script from the US version could be ported to the Japanese version and the cutscene subs could be translated too.


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, PSP – Silence confirmation beep during battles (for all versions if feasible)

The confirmation beep works fine in turn-based combat, but gets grating quickly in a fast paced action style combat system, so a hack that silences the beep during battles would be cool.


Arc the Lad III, PS1 – Japanese theme song restoration (for US version)

In the Japanese version of Arc the Lad III, the insert song, Way to the Earth, has two versions, one sung in Japanese for a mini-game, and an English rendition for the ending credits FMV. In the US version by Working Designs, both the mini-game and the ending FMV share the same version by Jenny Stigle, titled Way of the Earth. In theory, this hack would replace the ending FMV audio with the Japanese version audio and the mini-game subtitles would be retranslated to match the Japanese lyrics, maybe even with romaji if possible.


Megaman 8, Saturn – Undub hack (For US version)

An undub patch for the Saturn version of Megaman 8 would be awesome as it’s the best version due to including extra bosses and an art gallery.


Romancing Saga 2 and 3, SNES (addendum for fan translation)

The current fan translations on SNES are incomplete so an addendum that ports over the text from the HD remasters would be great.


Popolocrois Monogatari, PS1 – Official names names + Japanese narration restoration (addendum for fan translation)

The Meduza Team English patch for Popolocrois Monogatari on PS1 changes the Japanese voiced narration to be English voiced (despite the credit for Kikuko Inoue remaining) and a few names were altered from the official localisation counterparts. A patch that restored the Japanese narration (whilst also adding in soft subtitles) and restored the official names would be cool.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Saturn – Japanese voice restoration (addendum for fan translation)

The Meduza Team English patch for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on Saturn uses the PSP English dub (and script) instead of keeping the original Japanese voices, and also alters the text scrolling effect to be more choppy. Restoring the Japanese voice and the original text scrolling effect would be nice. Additionally, the Gemini PS1 script is the most accurate, so possibly porting their script over to Saturn would be cool, if that’s feasible.


LaSalle Ishii’s Child’s Quest, NES – No-BS addendum

LaSalle Ishii’s Child’s Quest for NES has had an unfortunate luck with fan translations, as two of the options on RHDN censor and change names, while another has the original names but purposefully changes hints to be less useful and ups the encounter rate and difficulty, making it a Kaizo hack. This addendum, in theory, would use the accurate names and script, but restore the original hints to be closer to the Japanese script and revert any difficulty changes to give players a more authentic experience.


If you have any ideas for romhacks, please reply, I’d be very interested to read. 🙂

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