Seiken Densetsu 3 Translation
- Game: Seiken Densetsu 3
- Platform: SNES/SFC
- Original ROM: Seiken Densetsu 3 (J)
- Headered
- Author: LNF Translations + Neill Corlett + SoM2Freak
- Language: English
- Hack status: Fully playable (1.01)
- Hack type: Translation
- Released: 2000
Some call it “the best Super Famicom game ever”, some dismiss it as just another boring action game. But most people agree that Square made a grave mistake when they decided not to market Seiken Densetsu 3 overseas – especially after the success of its predecessor, Secret of Mana.
Around 1996 and 1997, the growth of the internet, combined with the increasing popularity of video game emulators, sparked a number of unofficial game translation projects. Several of these came into fruition; most notably the RPGe translation of Final Fantasy 5, and Neo Demiforce’s Final Fantasy 2 project. These groups proved that such projects were not only possible, but feasible as well.
Some of the more complex games, however, have proven too big a challenge for the fan translation community. Seiken Densetsu 3 obscures its text behind numerous layers of compression, putting it well out of reach of the casual hex editor.
In April of 1998, the RPGe web site announced that Richard Bush had quit his Seiken Densetsu 3 translation project. Neill Corlett decided that his effort would be well- spent in seeing this project through, overcoming all the technical obstacles, bringing to the English-speaking world a game we should have had in the first place.
With technical issues out of the way, translator SoM2Freak went to work. He finished the enemy names, item names, spell names, menu selections, and a small portion of the script itself, before leaving for Japan in spring of 1999. Translators Lina`chan (whose work includes the unofficial Magic Knight Rayearth translation) and Nuku-nuku finished the remainder of the script.
It’s a shame that Neill Corlett isn’t really into ROM hacking anymore, because he did a hell of a job. Also a hell of a script edit.
- Neill Corlett for the ROM patch design and script editing.
- Lina`chan and Nuku-nuku for the Translation.
- SoM2Freak for Misc. translation work.
- Database match: Seiken Densetsu 3 (J).smc
- CRC32: 863ED0B8
- MD5: 58EBD7CBF28CEADC03AEC4F448956A0B
- SHA-1: 209C55FD2A8D7963905E3048B7D40094D6BEA965
- SHA-256: AE5055BB59AEE22BA9E9AC0A3A7D2B03479BAEEF49C9CF0E06CF470588A6B677