Welcome to RHH!

Romhacking.net has gone into archive mode, leaving a void in the ROM hacking scene. Today a new solution is offered; not a successor to RHDN, but an alternative with many benefits for hackers to set itself apart. Welcome to ROMhack Heaven.
Over the years, the internet has become increasingly centralized. While the net was once a wild west of small personal sites, it is now primarily used for a small pocket of large websites. Today, we are capitalizing on this reset.
For a long time, Romhacking.net was a great directory overall. However, having one centralized site was ultimately a sub-optimal situation. Between the site sometimes being offline for what could be the span of an entire month, the strict submission process, the rejection of recent homebrew games, and the tight file size limits, it has become crystal clear that stagnation is the last thing the community needs.
As such, we welcome everyone to the newly minted ROMhack Heaven which will be the primary home for many notable hackers moving forward. The site is still a bit rough around the edges, but it is being polished more and more every day. With a more modern backend than RHDN, a painless submission process, an up-to-date homebrew section, and generous 600 MB upload limit, RHH aims only to please. This is a site co-owned by several administrators with experience in the retro development scene, and we are open to affiliation. Please contact us with the general inquiries form for affiliation. Other questions and comments are welcome too.
For the entire first week, we are promising new hacks which were never on RHDN! Look out for the following:
- Day 1: Mega Man X: Operation Green Biker Dude trailer
- Day 2: Bad Box Art Mega Man 1 Sprite
- Day 3: Captain Tsubasa GB Translation
- Day 4: Lufia II Frue Trilogizer’s Hotfix 3
- Day 5: Marvel vs. Capcom: The Last Dance (Updated)
- Day 6: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage of DavePro (Updated)
- Day 7: Slayers PC-98 Translation
Current team:
- ReconstructingMana (Known for working on Secret of Mana: Reborn)
- Nintenja (Known for work in the JRPG scene, particularly on SNES)
- Naldrag (Prominent Rock Man X hacker and translator)
- EsperKnight: (Known for translating games such as Linda³ Again and Last Bible II)
- Ryu (Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man X, Castlevania hacker and translator)
- Straviradius (Trusted ROM archivist and playtester)
- Marcomix (Site artist and indie developer. Responsible for the site’s logo and banner)
We have several major projects planned in the near future as well. A new revision for Secret of Mana: Reborn, Operation GBD, and a surprise translation of a Super Famicom visual novel just to name a few.
Please visit the Quickstart guide for help with tasks such as bulk transferring files from an old profile, patching ROMs online, and more. Enjoy the stay!