A Strong Start

ROMhack Heaven has officially gone live. Submissions are already pouring in at an alarming rate. Our commitment to the scene has shone through thanks to our generous file size limits, modern backend, leniency with submissions (making way for the likes of new homebrew titles) and so forth.
Each new day, we have posted another hack which was never available on RHDN. Here at RHH, we are fulfilling our promise to be a site for the hackers by the hackers. To say this is a promising future would be an understatement. Please enjoy the following titles:
- Day 1: Mega Man X: Operation Green Biker Dude trailer
- Day 2: Bad Box Art Mega Man 1 Sprite
- Day 3: Captain Tsubasa GB Translation
- Day 4: Lufia II Frue Trilogizer’s Hotfix 3
- Day 5: Marvel vs. Capcom: The Last Dance (Updated)
- Day 6: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage of DavePro (Updated)
- Day 7: Slayers PC-98 Translation

The scene is here to stay, and while there will no longer be only one major site, we support alternatives. With hackers increasingly uploading their projects to GitHub as well as sharing them on sites such as our own, there is no longer a single point of failure.
To celebrate a successful launch and keep the momentum going, we are announcing a handful of things for the site.
- The quickstart guide is fully done; it is highly recommended all new visitors of the site visit it to understand ROMhack Heaven’s general guidelines.
- Forms are live. Submit a new page or edit an existing page. Still a WIP. Feel free to ask any questions in the General Inquiries Form as well.
- The tools section is not a fully expansive category yet. However, we are pleased to announce a large amount of important tools for hackers and players alike are now easily accessed from ROMhack Heaven. These include general tools (i.e. emulators or patching tools) and system-specific tools. Most importantly, we also have local versions of the online ROM Patcher and ROM Hasher utilities.
- Recent additions are available in both the home page and a dedicated page.
- To set ourselves apart from RHDN, we are using a featured section for our sidebar. This means heavy visibility will be given to hacks which are deemed the most high-effort. No longer will you work on a project for an entire year only to be instantly buried by four title screen hacks.
- To encourage the exchange of information, we are creating a forums section which will launch this week. We have opted not to use Discord as our primary source of communication since it is always devastating when a server is wiped out and an entire hub of information is lost. Registration is already available for both the forums and comments.
- Console pages are up with pagination and search functionality already active. In particular, the SNES library is already incredibly wide.
And to those wondering if we are cooking up anything exciting in the near future?
- Secret of Mana: Reborn is due for an update very soon, don’t miss out!
- Operation GBD launches exclusively on ROMhack Heaven as well.
- Several October-themed hacks are incoming. Namely, these include an SGB-enhanced version of Gargoyle’s Quest with bonus features, a definitive edition of Zombies Ate My Neighbors with fixes like an uncensored game over screen, and an English translation of the horror visual novel Tegami.

If you have any feedback or ideas for the site, please feel free to mention it in the comments section. Remember, we are hard at work making the site the best it can be one step at a time.